With over 416 million registered Moodle users from 218 countries, the vulnerabilities posed a threat to universities, schools, and students worldwide ...
Dark web platforms provide a range of goods and services for cyberattacks: corporate infrastructure access, user credentials, breached databases, malware, and more. As this business has developed, so ...
In the dark web, hackers are increasingly flaunting their successful attacks and giving away stolen data Positive Technologies experts have unveiled comprehensive research on the shadow market of ...
Positive Technologies, основываясь на отчетах об использовании PT Network Attack Discovery (PT NAD) 1, назвала угрозы информационной безопасности, чаще всего ...
Система нового поколения для управления уязвимостями MaxPatrol VM включена в каталог совместимости отечественного ПО, который позволяет ...
According to the Q2 2024 threatscape, social engineering remains one of the most frequently used methods in attacks on organizations, with 83% of cases involving emails Social engineering was employed ...
Включение программно-аппаратных комплексов (ПАК) PT NGFW в раздел ПАКов реестра российского программного обеспечения подтверждает, что ...
В августе 2024 года эксперты Positive Technologies отнесли к трендовым шесть уязвимостей: пять из них в продуктах Microsoft и одна в плагине LiteSpeed Cache для ...
Experts from over two dozen countries across Asia, the Middle East, and Africa took part in the Standoff cyber exercises, which were held in 2024 as part of the Saint Petersburg International Economic ...
In Q2 2024, the number of incidents increased by 4% compared to the previous quarter. Malware remained a primary method in attacks on organizations: it was employed in 64% of successful attacks. The ...
Анализ актуальных киберугроз за II квартал 2024 года показал, что социальная инженерия осталась одним из основных методов атаки на ...