On Friday, the Bucheggberg-Wasseramt district court in Solothurn sentenced a 35-year-old ex-firefighter to 11 years and 5 ...
The German Axel Springer Group is planning to split up its businesses. The media division is to become a family-run company ...
The National Council wants to offset the four billion franc increase in military spending with a lower cantonal share of ...
In the sprint of the 2nd stage over 155 km from Junglinster to Schifflange, the 25-year-old from Vaud from the Swiss Team Tudor finished in 3rd place. In the sprint, Froidevaux was only beaten by the ...
Switzerland's population reached the nine million mark at the end of June. This was announced by the Federal Statistical ...
Switzerland has received a mandate to organize a meeting of the parties to the Geneva Conventions on the Middle East conflict ...
Il ministero della Difesa russo ha confermato oggi che sono dieci gli insediamenti riconquistati nella regione di Kursk negli ultimi due giorni, nel corso della controffensiva per respingere oltre ...
Das Angebot des chinesischen Online-Händlers Ali Express klingt für Wasserratten mit Spieltrieb verlockend. Im Shop findet sich eine elektronische Wasserpistole, die im Design einer Glock ...
Drei von fünf Personen in der Schweiz lehnen gemäss einer Studie ein Zuwanderungsverbot zur Steuerung der Zuwanderung ab. Aber auch offene Grenzen sind nach Ansicht einer Mehrheit der Befragten ...