The Newtown Bee is committed to presenting fair, balanced, responsible, engaging, and non-confrontational content we hope ...
Michelle, Rob and Jahana want to keep our children safe. What would you say about a country that chooses not to protect its ...
Thomas Jefferson secretly supported the formation of a political opposition to the Washington administration. At the time he ...
State Representatives Mitch Bolinsky (R-106) and Martin Foncello (R-107) will be hosting a Diaper Drive to help Newtown ...
These are my observations on why traffic has become so congested in Newtown during the last decade or so. Of course there are ...
I am writing to express my enthusiastic support for Michelle Embree Ku, a candidate for the Connecticut State Representative ...
Let’s face it. While we as Newtowners are well represented and cared for in the US Congress by Dick Blumenthal, Chris Murphy, ...
A new voice in Hartford is what Newtown needs. For too long Newtown has not had a seat at the majority table in Hartford. We ...
Thank you so much Trinity Episcopal Church community and Reverend Andrea Wyatt for opening your hearts to our congregation, ...
I am ready for a change, and I believe others are, as well. Michelle Embree Ku is running for State Representative of the ...
I am proud to endorse Mitch Bolinsky as Newtown’s State Representative in Hartford. Mitch has the experience that Newtown has ...
Tis the season for political ads and promises. Typical challenger approach: identify a problem, blame the other party, and ...