Brexit is having “profound and ongoing stifling effects” on goods trade between the United Kingdom and the European Union, ...
To reboot Europe as an attractive location for industry, the EU needs to draw up a bold master plan to strengthen Europe's ...
Sir Ed Davey said Sir Keir Starmer’s mission to drive economic growth will be hampered by the PM’s refusal to rejoin the ...
Mario Draghi is expected to sound the alarm over the risk of the European Union’s economic decline and call for significant ...
IN the debate around Labour’s position on Brexit, siren voices on the left assert the single market — sometimes called the EU internal market — does not prevent governments creating nationalised ...
The EU has what is known as a single market, this allows for the free movement of goods, services, capital and labour. The single market has a number of characteristics, these include: ...
Forty-eight years in the European customs union, basically the Common Market, and 28 years in the single market. The Single Market was a creation for which the UK has paternity rights. It was ...
Право України, p. 207. The EU is committed to making the Single Market fit for the digital age, by enhancing the protection of consumers and data subjects, while providing businesses with the legal ...
We are joined this week by Andrea Renda from think tank CEPS, Dr Eoin Drea from the Wilfried Martens Centre for European ...
These are the five options for Brexit: Theresa May’s withdrawal agreement, staying in the customs union, staying in the single market, the so-called Common Market 2.0 idea or a no-deal Brexit.
What single stock products is CEDX introducing and what is the value proposition? Iouri: It is obvious from volumes that Europe’s options market structure is failing market participants and investors.
Sir Keir has ruled out rejoining the EU single market (PA Wire) But he said: “I just don’t think he is going far enough. The fact that he’s ruled out going back into the single market ...